Found the parasite that causes avian malaria in areas where the bearded vulture breeds

Found the parasite that causes avian malaria in areas where the bearded vulture breeds An investigation demonstrates the presence of mosquitoes, black flies and sand flies carrying the avian malaria virus in the Central Pyrenees Zaragoza 05-02-2020. The Foundation for the Conservation of the Bearded Vulture (FCQ) and Fundación Iberdrola, in collaboration with the Government … Read more

The SEO/Birdlife Migra Programme reveals changes in the migratory behaviour of the white stork

The SEO/Birdlife Migra Programme reveals changes in the migratory behaviour of the white stork The SEO/Birdlife Migra Programme reveals changes in the migratory behaviour of the white stork Madrid, 03/02/2020. For villages across Spain, the white stork is an iconic bird, its nests can be found on every church roof in many parts of the … Read more

Conservation and Restoration Programme Museo Bellas Artes de Bilbao

Conservation and Restoration Programme Museo Bellas Artes de Bilbao With the participation of: Fernando García Sánchez, Chairman of Fundación Iberdrola España; Ramón Castresana, Director of Fundación Iberdrola España; Rafael Orbegozo, Adviser to the Chairman of Iberdrola; Bingen Zupiria, Minister for Culture and Language Policy for the Basque Government and Chair of the Museum Trust; Miguel … Read more

Eleven paralympic athletes to continue their univeristy studies supported by “Fundación Iberdrola España”

Eleven paralympic athletes to continue their univeristy studies supported by “Fundación Iberdrola España” ELEVEN PARALYMPIC ATHLETES TO CONTINUE THEIR UNIVERSITY STUDIES SUPPORTED BY ‘FUNDACIÓN IBERDROLA ESPAÑA SCHOLARSHIPS’ Fundación Iberdrola España and Spain’s Paralympic Committee have awarded their ‘Fundación Iberdrola España Scholarships’ to eleven Paralympic athletes, at a ceremony held this morning at the headquarters of … Read more

The Prado Museum in Albacete

The Prado Museum in Albacete Albacete is hosting an outdoor exhibition featuring photographic reproductions of fifty works from the Prado Museum’s collection Sponsored by Fundación Iberdrola España and organised in partnership with Albacete City Council, this is an educational exhibition comprising fifty life-sized photographic reproductions of the Prado’s most iconic paintings. It is open to … Read more

Fundación Iberdrola is to provide lighting for the interior of Palencia Cathedral

Fundación Iberdrola is to provide lighting for the interior of Palencia Cathedral Fundación Iberdrola is to provide lighting for the interior of Palencia Cathedral The bishop of Palencia, Manuel Herrero, and the director of Fundación Iberdrola España, Ramón Castresana, signed an agreement this morning for the renovation of the interior lighting of Palencia Cathedral, which … Read more

Sigüenza hosts the exhibition ‘El Museo del Prado en las Calles’ with reproductions of its most emblematic works

Sigüenza hosts the exhibition ‘El Museo del Prado en las Calles’ with reproductions of its most emblematic works Between 13 July and 26 August, the Plaza Mayor in Sigüenza will recreate the experience of contemplating fifty of the most relevant paintings in its collection with their real dimensions Sigüenza hosts the exhibition “El Museo del … Read more