Fundación Iberdrola España creates ‘Employability Activation Hubs’, which will impact more than 100,000 people in Spain

Fundación Iberdrola España creates ‘Employability Activation Hubs’, which will impact more than 100,000 people in Spain Santa María la Real Foundation and Fundación Iberdrola collaborate in this initiative to adapt job guidance for unemployed people to the latest market trends The new shuttle modality, which will be co-financed by the European Social Fund, will launch … Read more

The quadruple lock of the Canal de Castilla debuts sustainable lighting

The quadruple lock of the Canal de Castilla debuts sustainable lighting The Duero Hydrographic Confederation, the Frómista City Council, and the Iberdrola Spain Foundation have carried out this action that beautifies and improves energy efficiency in this tourist landmark in the Terracampina town The renewed lighting applies LED technology and accentuates its splendor through a … Read more

Almería hosts the exhibition ‘El Museo del Prado en las Calles’

Almería hosts the exhibition ‘El Museo del Prado en las Calles’ Promoted by the Fundación Iberdrola España, it offers the most relevant works of the national museum to the public of Almeria The exhibition continues the tour that began in 2020 by different territories in Spain and will travel through the eight Andalusian cities in … Read more

Fundación Iberdrola España renews the agreement for the reinsertion of the osprey in the Valencian Community

Fundación Iberdrola España renews the agreement for the reinsertion of the osprey in the Valencian Community The project, carried out together with the Migres Foundation, analyzes and assesses the actions to be carried out for the recovery of this extinct bird of prey in the Iberian Peninsula The collaboration, which will involve an investment of … Read more

Fundación Iberdrola España collaborates with the Down Galicia Federation for socio-labor integration

Fundación Iberdrola España collaborates with the Down Galicia Federation for socio-labor integration Fundación Iberdrola España Social Program annually supports over 30 social entities Down Galicia is in charge of developing this socio-labor integration project for people with different disabilities Fundación Iberdrola España has visited the supported employment project, carried out by the Down Galicia Federation. … Read more

Fundación Iberdrola España and the AMICOS Association facilitate socio-labor integration in Galicia

Fundación Iberdrola España and the AMICOS Association facilitate socio-labor integration in Galicia The alliance between Fundación Iberdrola España and the AMICOS Association was born in 2018 through the Social Program An initiative that promotes the socio-labor inclusion of young people with intellectual or psychosocial disabilities, promoting green employment opportunities in rural areas in Galicia The … Read more

Iberdrola acquires a poplar grove to conserve and protect the endangered red kite

Iberdrola acquires a poplar grove to conserve and protect the endangered red kite The company, through its foundation in Spain, has acquired a green space to support bird protection and contribute to the improvement of biodiversity The preservation plan includes monitoring and analysis of the red kites through a GPS signal Iberdrola has acquired a … Read more

Galicia opens an Employability Activation “Hub” that will promote insertion in the region over the next five years

Galicia opens an Employability Activation “Hub” that will promote insertion in the region over the next five years This initiative adapts career guidance to the latest trends in the labor market. A new type of Employment Shuttles that will begin its activities in Santiago de Compostela and A Coruña Unemployed people aged 18 to 60 … Read more

Almansa hosts the traveling exhibition “Museorum”

Almansa hosts the traveling exhibition “Museorum” The municipality hosts until February 18 this great photographic exhibition that includes unique pieces from the five provincial galleries With this exhibition project, Iberdrola continues to support culture and heritage conservation through different actions in Castilla-La Mancha The municipality of Almansa receives from today “Museorum”, the outdoor exhibition cycle … Read more

Fundación Iberdrola and the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum bring ‘Arte para Tocar’ to the schools of Alava

Fundación Iberdrola and the Bilbao Fine Arts Museum bring ‘Arte para Tocar’ to the schools of Alava The main objective of this traveling exhibition is to make the learning and enjoyment of works of art accessible to people with visual disabilities Since 2018, when Fundación Iberdrola and the Bilbao BBAA Museum, together with the Department … Read more