Fundación Iberdrola’s social aid benefits more than 600 people in Navarre
Fundación Iberdrola has been collaborating with Fundación Ilundain Haritz Berri since 2016 and with ANFAS – the Navarre Association for People with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities – since 2015. Since then, it is estimated that over six hundred people have directly benefited from these projects, which are supported by the company.

It is estimated that over six hundred people have directly benefited from these projects, which are supported by the company.
In a meeting, Iberdrola’s delegate in Navarre, Eduardo Ryan, Fundación Ilundain manager Francisco Javier San Martín, and ANFAS president Javier Goldaraz, positively valued their collaboration over the last few years, and detailed the initiatives that both entities will be pursuing in 2018.
In Fundación Ilundain Hartiz Berri’s case, the goal of the project that Iberdrola will be backing for the second year in a row is to encourage the education and training of young people at risk of social exclusion, with a view to their future inclusion in the labour market.
This project, called Bizi-Baso, El Bosque de la Vida (The Forest of Life), will involve launching an alternative educational model specifically aimed at labour market inclusion and designed for young people in a precarious financial situation with integration difficulties due to occasional delinquency and pre-delinquent behaviours. The training of these young people in skills in the gardening and forest management sector is encouraged, addressing gender integration processes, recovery of forest mass, social and environmental awareness, and promoting volunteering.
The programme is aimed at 110 unskilled young people at risk of social exclusion who have dropped out of school and are looking for a second chance for labour market inclusion.
Since its inception in 2016, with Fundación Iberdrola’s support, 120,000 euros have been invested and 300 young people have taken part in the programme.
ANFAS – the Navarre Association for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities – will, for their part, be following up on the early assistance programme for disabled children from 0 to 3 years old that the entity has been conducting jointly with the Government of Navarre. The proposal consists of support for children from 3 to 6 years of age to encourage stimulation and to induce processes that have not manifested naturally during the first stage. Since 2016, the entity has launched a family-centred model focused on natural environments that goes beyond individualised help for the child.
The goal is to help improve the family’s skills to secure and improve the child’s development, encouraging both the child’s and the family’s social inclusion, preferably in natural contexts, as well as contributing to the family’s quality of life.
This project will be designed for 140 children from 3 to 6 years old with intellectual disabilities or at risk of suffering them. Most of them are from a previous programme entitled Early Assistance 0-3. These are children with a biological or psychosocial risk, or with documented disorders (motor, cognitive, language, sensory, etc.)
ANFAS has been supported by Fundación Iberdrola in 2015 and 2016 with an investment of 80,000 euros, and it is estimated that some 300 users have received assistance.