Fundación Iberdrola España creates ‘Employability Activation Hubs’, which will impact more than 100,000 people in Spain

Fundación Iberdrola España creates ‘Employability Activation Hubs’, which will impact more than 100,000 people in Spain

Santa María la Real Foundation and Fundación Iberdrola collaborate in this initiative to adapt job guidance for unemployed people to the latest market trends

  • The new shuttle modality, which will be co-financed by the European Social Fund, will launch 56 projects with an online reach of 100,000 people
  • Pre-registration is open to participate through the following link:

Fundación Santa María la Real and Fundación Iberdrola España sign their commitment to collaborate to develop the ‘Employability Activation Hubs’ project, the new job orientation program that promotes job insertion through the most innovative techniques in employability, the advice of specialized technical staff and the latest trends in the current labor market. It provides updated guidance, guided by specialists, and adapted to the needs of its participants.

‘Employability Activation Hubs’ is promoted by the Fundación Iberdrola España and the Santa María la Real Foundation, with co-financing from the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), under the State Program for Social Inclusion, Child Guarantee and Fight against Poverty ( CCI 2021ES05SFPR003); and also the co-financing of public entities from different autonomous communities.

This project, which follows the methodology of the ‘Solidarity Employment and Entrepreneurship Shuttles’ with a greater presence in the territories, is expected to reach approximately 3,920 unemployed people in at least nine autonomous communities and with a total of 56 Projects. In addition, it includes complementary actions with a wide online projection, which plans to reach more than 100,000 people.

“At Fundación Iberdrola España, we firmly believe that training, employability, and sustainability must go hand in hand. Therefore, through this initiative, we are not only providing employment opportunities but also building a path towards a greener and more equitable future,” as explained in the presentation of the project by the president of the Fundación Iberdrola España, Fernando García Sánchez.

It is great news to establish this agreement with Fundación Iberdrola and launch this new program that follows the ‘Employment Shuttles’ methodology, with already a decade of experience and good results. This new approach reinforces the commitment to territorial development and social inclusion. We know that this project will mark a significant milestone in labor orientation in the face of such a changing labor market, highlighted the president of the Santa María la Real Foundation, Mr. Ignacio Fernández, at the press conference.

Digital and Green Skills Pathways

The general objective of the project is the personal and professional activation of unemployed people, as well as the promotion of their employability through transversal skills and the most in-demand skills in the current labor market. They receive support in labor intermediation to contact companies or access job offers to boost their chances of insertion.

It seeks to reduce the digital divide and promotes training in ‘green skills’ to apply for emerging positions. Its participants receive support from guidance and ‘green employment’ professionals, as well as mental health, to manage stress in the face of unemployment or job uncertainty. They prepare as a team to successfully pass job interviews, use the most current digital tools to search for employment, and know how to focus on their professional goal.

Activities: Employment Shuttles and Takeoff

Each ‘Hub’ hosts projects with a duration of seven months, in which two ‘Employment Shuttles’, ‘Active Employment Shuttle’ and ‘Nomadic Employment Shuttle’ and the “Take off” activity are combined. Up to a total of 70 unemployed people will participate in each edition.

  • ‘Active Employment Shuttle’ is made up of a heterogeneous group of unemployed people with a common objective: to update and focus their job search. It has a hybrid format, with face-to-face and online sessions in the morning, for over four and a half months. Its participants will improve their digital skills to search for work effectively and adapt to emerging positions.
  • ‘Nomadic Employment Shuttle’ is a traveling edition that preserves the characteristics of Activa with the advantage that it can be developed in all types of territories and any format: in-person, ‘online’, or hybrid.
  • On the other hand, in each of the ‘HUBS’ participating people in particularly vulnerable situations will receive specialized attention through the Despega activity. It is aimed at promoting their insertion into the labor market and their social inclusion.

Centers ‘ Hubs ‘

In España, ‘HUBS’ will be launched in the coming years, which will host different editions of the three main activities. The centers are selected after analyzing the needs of the different territories at a sociodemographic level, the situation of social vulnerability of unemployed people, and the training needs for better efficiency in the development of actions.

Through the ‘Hubs’, another of the specific objectives of this program is achieved, which is to generate community and promote public-private collaboration models to fight unemployment and promote greater social inclusion.

The territories that will have ‘Hubs’ centers will be announced soon. Pre-registration is open to participate through the following link:

‘Employment Shuttles’ Philosophy

‘Employability Activation Hubs’ follows the philosophy of the ‘Solidarity Employment and Entrepreneurship Launchers’ program, with more than ten years of experience. They maintain the basic principles of solidarity from the group approach; diversity among participant profiles; people as a value and not as a burden; and visibility to break the stigma of unemployment.

Since 2013, more than 800 ‘Employment Shuttles’ have been promoted in their different modalities, in almost 300 municipalities of all the autonomous communities. Nearly 20,000 people have been participants in a program that has 15 awards for its good results, and with an average insertion rate of nearly 60%.

European Social Fund

‘Employability Activation Hubs’ is part of this ESF+ Program for Social Inclusion, Child Guarantee, and Fight against Poverty, within political objective 4, of a more social and inclusive Europe through the application of the European pillar of social rights; in priority 2, social inclusion and fight against poverty. As a specific objective, it will focus on promoting active inclusion to promote equal opportunities, non-discrimination, and active participation; and improve employability, particularly of disadvantaged groups.