‘Museorum’ arrives in Quintanar del Rey thanks to Iberdrola with the most outstanding works of the provincial museums
- The municipality of Cuenca hosts this great photographic exhibition made up of 42 panels and promoted by Fundación Iberdrola España
- The exhibition, which includes unique pieces of more than 3.5 million years old, will be on display until November 26th
Quintanar del Rey (Cuenca) hosts from today ‘Museorum’, a new outdoor exhibition cycle consisting of 42 panels and promoted by Fundación Iberdrola España. Through a selection of photographs of the most representative pieces of the five provincial galleries, some of which date back more than 3.5 million years, it aims to bring the art of the museums of Castilla-La Mancha closer to its citizens.
“Museorum is another example of our shared commitment in the region to the care, maintenance and promotion of art and culture,” said Fernando García, president of Fundación Iberdrola España, at the opening ceremony this morning. Joaquina Sáiz Cebrián, mayoress of Quintanar del Rey, and Gustavo Martínez Morales, provincial delegate of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Castilla-La Mancha in Cuenca, attended the opening of the exhibition in the Plaza de la Concepción.
Among the pieces on display are some such as The Knight of the Villares, the Bust of Lucius Caesar of Ercávica, the Venus of Noheda, the Sepulcher of Doña Aldonza de Mendoza of Lupiana, the Immaculate Oballe of El Greco, the Female Sculpture of Zeno of Aphrodisias, the Front of the Synagogue of Ciudad Real or the Transit of San Julián by Giuseppe Simonelli.
From the Museum of Cuenca, in particular, will be on display until November 26 The Idol of Chillarón, The Equestrian Scepter of Puebla del Salvador, The Lastra of Ercávica, The Bust of Lucio César of Ercávica, The Venus of Noheda, The Visigothic Earrings in gold of Fuentes, The Islamic Capital of Torre Mangana and The Transit of San Julián by Giuseppe Simonelli.
After the success of the exhibition in Cuenca and in the La Mancha municipalities of Alcolea de Calatrava, Manzanares, Cifuentes and Bolaños de Calatrava, ‘Museorum’ continues its tour of the province. After Quintanar del Rey, the exhibition will pass through Illescas, La Roda, Humanes, Torrijos and Tobarra.
Fundación Iberdrola with culture
Since its creation, Iberdrola has been committed to the energy, cultural and social development of the communities in which it is present. In this sense, Fundación Iberdrola España represents a further step in this commitment, by promoting initiatives that contribute to improving the quality of life of people.
This project is in addition to others that the company has carried out in Castilla-La Mancha in recent years, including the illuminations of the Monastery of Uclés, the Old Bridge of Talavera de la Reina and the Cathedral of Sigüenza, among others, as well as exhibition projects such as ‘El Prado en las Calles’ and ‘un Patrimonio de Todos’.