ROUND-TABLE: The current situation of energy prices, the electricity market, and the development of renewable energies
Date and time Wednesday, November 17th, 2021
A Face-to-face event at the Bolivar Hall. Free admission until full capacity is reached.
This round-table organized by Fundación Iberdrola España and Casa América analyzes the fundamental role, especially nowadays, of renewable energies in mitigating climate change and moving towards competitive energy for all. The rapid recovery of demand after the pandemic crisis has generated many supply tensions in the gas market at the international level and particularly at the European level, coupled with a growing evolution of the price of emission rights in the European Emissions Trading System. In this context of energetic crisis, it is essential to accelerate the transition towards an all-around renewable economy in Ibero-America: from the technical point of view, guaranteeing the reliability of energy supply in all countries; from the economic and administrative point of view, through incentive measures and dynamizing investment and the deployment of the most competitive renewable technologies for both electricity generation and energy end-use; and from the regulatory point of view, designing climate policies and international agreements that accelerate the decarbonization of the economy at the global level.
Michel Rivier, professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the School of Engineering-ICAI.
José María González Moya, General Director of the Renewable Energy Association-APPA.
Paulina Beato, president of the Barcelona School of Economics.
Gonzalo Escribano, senior researcher at the Real Instituto Elcano.
Cristina Monge, political scientist, and executive advisor of ECODES.