Columbares Association

Columbares Association

  • Fundación Iberdrola España finances with €40,000 the Columbares Association’s comprehensive care project for socially vulnerable minors.
  • Thanks to the collaboration between the two entities, the project will benefit 140 people in the region of Murcia.

Fundación Iberdrola España and the Columbares Association have been collaborating on the creation of this project since 2018. The entity seeks to provide the most vulnerable families in the Region of Murcia with tools to improve the school performance of minors while improving their self-esteem and social skills


Through various educational workshops, the project hopes to achieve the following objectives:

  • Facilitate proper integration of beneficiaries in schools, promoting the development of their educational itinerary and involving their families.
  • Promote extracurricular educational reinforcement actions that allow them to achieve an education more adapted to the level of each child to develop all their capabilities to the maximum.
  • To avoid school failure and enable them to catch up with the normal rhythm of their class group.

Although the project is mainly aimed at children, it will also work with their families, especially mothers, whose greatest barrier to getting involved in their children’s education is their lack of knowledge of the language. For this reason, the “School for Parents” has been designed, as a space for information, language learning, and reflection on different topics related to education, such as the functioning of the educational center, the educational system, family coexistence, and healthy leisure. In this way, the project will benefit 140 users, including both children and their families.