Cesal Association
- Asociación Cesal and Fundación Iberdrola España are collaborating for the first time in the 2022 call with a funding of 40,000€.
- Through the “Crecer Aprendiendo” project, Asociación Cesal will provide inclusive education to children.
- The project will directly benefit 40 minors between the ages of 6 and 17 and 20 mothers.

Asociación Cesal began its social work in 2007 in the district of Tetuán through the management of the Center for Integration and Participation of Immigrants of the Community of Madrid (CEPI).
The entity focuses on immigrant minors and their mothers, seeking to prevent them from dropping out of school early, facilitate their social integration, and improve their family ties.
The project will be developed around three main areas of action:
- Academic support and vocational guidance for minors.
- Family intervention through group workshops and providing mothers with psychoeducational counseling.
- Education in healthy and healthy leisure and free time with summer camps and outdoor activities for children.
The association seeks to work both with the children and their closest circle, in this case, the mothers, to ensure their proper development. They also count on the help of schools and groups of social educators.
In some cases, the organization visits homes to deliver food baskets and necessities, taking advantage of the visit to follow up on the needs of both the children and their mothers.