Ayuda en Acción Foundation

Ayuda en Acción Foundation

  • Fundación Iberdrola España and the Ayuda en Acción Foundation collaborate once more in the creation of the “Rompiendo Barreras” project
  • Thanks to €30,000 in funding from Fundación Iberdrola España, 100 women will receive support in their labor market insertion

Fundación Iberdrola España and Ayuda en Acción Foundation have been collaborating since 2017. The objective of this project is to improve the labor access of women in vulnerable situations between 17 and 35 years old, enhancing through itineraries their access to the labor market in the city of Merida and the development of their skills.


The project “Rompiendo Barreras” is aimed at women of Merida of working age with training needs, motivation, prospects, and difficulties in finding employment. It will work with them on the active search for employment, promoting improvements in key skills for employment, both personal and digital, to promote their integration into the labor market.

The project proposes an alternative space for training, accompaniment, guidance, and bidirectional learning aimed at women in contexts of vulnerability and social exclusion, who lack opportunities to access training-employment courses, identifying and designing tools with the participants themselves and actors involved.

The methodology used:

  • Individualized training itineraries, promoting networking and creating spaces for mutual support from common perspectives, facing challenges, challenges with a multicultural and gender approach.

Support groups that promote interpersonal relationships in a climate of dialogue and mutual respect, allowing to share experiences and different perspectives of interculturality between migrant and gypsy women or between women of different ages, sharing tools to break gender barriers.