San Clemente (Cuenca), hosts the traveling exhibition ‘Un patrimonio de todos’ (Everyone’s Heritage), which shows the historical and cultural heritage of Castilla – La Mancha

San Clemente (Cuenca), hosts the traveling exhibition ‘Un patrimonio de todos’ (Everyone’s Heritage), which shows the historical and cultural heritage of Castilla – La Mancha San Clemente, Cuenca, hosts from today the traveling exhibition “A heritage of all” that will show the historical and cultural heritage of Castilla – La Mancha. Sponsored by the Fundación … Read more

Fundación Iberdrola España promotes conservation and restoration of cultural heritage in northern Portugal

Fundación Iberdrola España promotes conservation and restoration of cultural heritage in northern Portugal Iberdrola, through its foundation in Spain, has concluded the exterior restoration works of the Portuguese temple of Nuestra Señora de la Encina, in the municipality of Chaves, in order to conserve and enhance the cultural heritage of northern Portugal. This action is … Read more

Fundación Iberdrola España sponsors the Sorolla Museum exhibition “Torment and Devotion”

Fundación Iberdrola España sponsors the Sorolla Museum exhibition “Torment and Devotion” The Ministry of Culture and Sport, the Museo Sorolla and the Fundación Museo Sorolla present from July 13, 2021 to January 9, 2022 the exhibition Sorolla. Torment and Devotion, an exhibition that proposes a tour of the most unknown and unpublished work of Joaquín … Read more

Iberdrola revitalizes Santiago Cathedral with new interior lighting for the Compostela Jubilee Year

Iberdrola revitaliza la Catedral de Santiago con una nueva iluminación interior en el Año Jubilar Compostelano The Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela has unveiled its interior lighting today, following the culmination of a project developed over the last two years by Iberdrola – through its Foundation in Spain – and the Cathedral Chapter, with the … Read more

Palencia’s San Hipólito el Real church shines with its new exterior illumination

Palencia’s San Hipólito el Real church shines with its new exterior illumination Fundación Iberdrola España collaborates with the Provincial Council of Palencia and the City Council of the town, as well as with the Diocese itself, assuming 40% of the total cost of the lighting, in this sustainable project, in which the provincial institution contributes … Read more

Iberdrola promueve el programa de becas de investigación postdoctoral Energy for Future (E4F) con 15 universidades europeas y americanas

Iberdrola impulsa el programa de becas postdoctorales de investigación Energy for Future (E4F) con 15 universidades europeas y americanas Iberdrola reinforces its commitment to research as a tool to promote knowledge and innovation and contribute to the consolidation of a more sustainable development model. Through Fundación Iberdrola España and in collaboration with the European Commission’s … Read more

Jadraque, Guadalajara, hosts the traveling exhibition ‘Un patrimonio de todos’ (Everyone’s Heritage), which shows the historical and cultural heritage of Castilla – La Mancha

Jadraque, Guadalajara, hosts the traveling exhibition ‘Un patrimonio de todos’ (Everyone’s Heritage), which shows the historical and cultural heritage of Castilla – La Mancha Jadraque, Guadalajara, hosts from today the traveling exhibition “A heritage of all” that will show the historical and cultural heritage of Castilla – La Mancha. Sponsored by the Fundación Iberdrola España … Read more

Fundación Iberdrola España and the Sigüenza City Council inaugurate the ornamental lighting of the Plaza Mayor

Fundación Iberdrola España and the Sigüenza City Council inaugurate the ornamental lighting of the Plaza Mayor Iberdrola, as part of the collaboration agreement signed with the Sigüenza City Council in July 2020, has developed the ornamental lighting project for the town’s Plaza Mayor. The renovation of the lighting of the Plaza Mayor is another example … Read more

The STEM Women Chair at Comillas Pontifical University, promoted by Fundación Iberdrola España and EMT, celebrates two years of activity to increase the number of women in STEM disciplines

The STEM Women Chair at Comillas Pontifical University, promoted by Fundación Iberdrola España and EMT, celebrates two years of activity to increase the number of women in STEM disciplines The Chair – sponsored by EMT and Fundación Iberdrola España – has become a national benchmark for promoting and boosting the presence of women in STEM … Read more