The 1st edition of the Inspira Program, an inclusive training, and Green Economy program in Castilla-La Mancha, comes to an end

The 1st edition of the Inspira Program, an inclusive training, and Green Economy program in Castilla-La Mancha, comes to an end Illescas, Toledo. This morning, Fundación Iberdrola España held the closing ceremony and presentation of diplomas for the 1st edition of the Inspira Program at the Centro Espacio Creación Joven in Illescas. The Inspira Program … Read more

Over eight hundred thousand euros allocated for women’s projects

Over eight hundred thousand euros allocated for women’s projects In the last year, Fundación Iberdrola España has significantly increased the number of projects aimed at this group. Through its foundation, Iberdrola supports women to continue their studies, find a job, and overcome situations of vulnerability. Every year, Fundación Iberdrola España reinforces its commitment to women. … Read more

The Atlantic Romanesque Plan renovates the Zamora temples of San Vicente and San Juan de Puerta Nueva

The Atlantic Romanesque Plan renovates the Zamora temples of San Vicente and San Juan de Puerta Nueva The tour, in which they were accompanied by the project director, Jesús Castillo, from the Santa María la Real Foundation, and the Iberdrola delegate in Castilla y León, Miguel Calvo, began at the church of San Vicente. The … Read more

New restoration of the Boil family tomb in the former Capitanía General of Valencia

New restoration of the Boil family tomb in the former Capitanía General of Valencia Through its Spanish Foundation, Iberdrola is financing with 55,000 euros the entire project to restore the monument, located in one of the most remarkable buildings in Valencia. The restoration work will restore the splendor of the tomb and fix the deterioration … Read more

Training and quality of life support for the most vulnerable families in Fuerteventura

Training and quality of life support for the most vulnerable families in Fuerteventura Fundación Iberdrola España has collaborated with Fundación Canaria Centro de Atención a la Familia to support several programs of the “Lluvia Day Center”, a Center for Minors and Families in Puerto del Rosario. The “Lluvia Day Center” aims to improve the quality … Read more

Fuensalida hosts the exhibition “Un patrimonio de todos” on the historical heritage of Castilla – La Mancha

Fuensalida hosts the exhibition “Un patrimonio de todos” on the historical heritage of Castilla – La Mancha Fuensalida (Toledo) has hosted today the opening ceremony of the exhibition A heritage of all that promotes knowledge of the historical and cultural heritage of Castilla-La Mancha. Sra. de la Soledad Municipal Park, the event took place this … Read more

SEO/BirdLife will keep track of black kites, black-headed sandgrouse, and hobby geese with GPS devices in 2022 to learn their migratory routes

SEO/BirdLife will keep track of black kites, black-headed sandgrouse, and hobby geese with GPS devices in 2022 to learn their migratory routes At a time of global crisis like the present, birds allow us to know the health state of the planet. Knowing their migratory routes and their wintering grounds provides valuable information about what … Read more

Fourteen Paralympic athletes will be able to continue their university studies

Fourteen Paralympic athletes will be able to continue their university studies The ‘Fundación Iberdrola España Scholarships’ will enable fourteen Paralympic athletes to continue their university studies in the 2021-2022 academic year. The grants are aimed at athletes who are beneficiaries of the ADOP Plan and are pursuing university studies, to facilitate their professional training aimed towards their … Read more

The Capitanía General of Sevilla will have new interior and exterior lighting by the end of 2022

The Capitanía General of Sevilla will have new interior and exterior lighting by the end of 2022 Sevilla, January 25th, 2022. Iberdrola, through its foundation, has signed an agreement with Fundación Museo del Ejército to replace and renovate the interior and exterior lighting of the Capitanía General de Sevilla. The initiative will involve an investment … Read more